* indicates a required answer
Late Fee of $20 will be applied to your account after March 18th
Welcome to 8th Grade Graduation!
We are looking forward to a great year. If you have any question regarding graduation, please contact Nellie Ramos at juan.nellie@gmail.com
STEP 1: Complete this form
STEP 2: Make your payment
STEP 3: Submit the student bio by April 1st.
STEP 4: Submit the student pictures by April 1st
You will find the Student Bio Form link and the pictures upload link
on the main 8th grade graduation page.
You will receive the NJHSA Graduation Guidelines and Agreement once your are registered. Remember you are not considered "registered" until your payment has been received along with your registration form.
8th Grade Activities, Class Trip, Yearbook, as well as, Yearbook Signing Party
are not included in the graduation fee.